Feel Sexy and Confident

Feel Sexy and Confident

Diving into self-help books or getting caught up in motivational speeches on YouTube, one clear message emerges: our thoughts shape who we are. This idea unites all the influential thinkers and speakers out there. They all stress the importance of the mindset in personal development.

We all carry a picture of ourselves in our minds, known as our self-image. This mental picture significantly influences our life's direction and the choices we make daily. It's the blueprint that guides our actions and, ultimately, how we view ourselves and our potential.


Unfortunately too many people don’t know much about themselves so they don’t have a very good image of themselves. You’ll notice this a lot in body language for instance when people shy away from you or avoid eye contact. These people will never do anything of great consequence because they don’t think they can. They have a poor self image.

For instance, most of you reading this right now probably don’t think you can do a boudoir session because of a negative narrative you’ve allowed to take hold in your mind. This narrative can be self inflicted or sometimes a poisonous external comment you’ve allowed to infect your mind.

How to Feel Sexy and Confident

Fortunately for us, there is a very simple recipe to improve your self image. It may sound silly and stupid and like it won’t work, but I promise it will.


Get a notebook and a pen and write who you want to be in the present tense. It’s important you do everything exactly as stated in that last sentence. Write it down in the present tense as if it’s already happened. Then, read it out loud to yourself at least once per day.

Everything YOU Can Do to Get Better Boudoir Photos
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At first it may feel stupid, for most it will probably even feel like a lie. Eventually though you will begin to believe it because ultimately we become what we think about.

How Boudoir Photography Will Change your Self Image

The above is the basic psychology of how boudoir photography can help you change your self image. My process for this is to first show you a bunch of before and after images from some of my past clients who’ve done sessions with me.

Before & After

These transformations probably seem too good to be true. Hell, you probably even think that there’s no way you’ll experience a transformation of this caliber yourself. Eventually though, you’ll see enough of them that you’ll begin to believe it is possible.


In the case of boudoir, the first step in changing your mindset is actually just deciding to do a photo shoot for yourself. To decide this is to accept the possibility that it is possible to look like the examples I show in my portfolio. It’s only when I present your final images to you though that the real magic happens! This is when you’ll truly begin to change your self image.


Instead of a daily affirmation you recite of who you want to be, what I do is show you what I see when I look at you. Looking at how beautiful you actually are in your final photos becomes the prevailing thoughts in your mind and changes your self image.


It all sounds too good to be true right? I get it, and that’s why I suggest you don’t blindly take my word for it.

Instead I’d like to turn your attention to the note (below) I received from the beautiful woman featured in this post after her experience. I hope her words give you the courage to do the same for yourself :-)

In Her Words


Thank you, thank you! A million thank yous!

I can't thank you enough for the amazing opportunity to work with you this last weekend. I had an amazing time and truly appreciate your professionalism -- it made the experience very easy and wonderful!

The unknown makes me uneasy. My nervousness was my own insecurities about myself, my body and my shyness. I also have never had professional photos of any kind done and was nervous putting myself in such a vulnerable position. Your easy-going nature and positive personality quickly washed those nerves and fears away. You give off a very familiar positive vibe, that makes working with you so easy and comfortable.

I take pride in my body, working out and feeling good about myself. I have, since my teens, been very critical of myself -- always poking and picking at myself about my body and weight. I've never felt sexy or confident. After our photo session, I felt sexy and confident. This was a life-changing experience for me. It has opened my eyes in so many ways. I feel empowered, in control of my fears, nerves, anxieties.

The roads we choose to take, the choices we make and the people we choose to be with in life sometimes are not the best choices. Some get the best of us and bring us down creating fears, insecurities and sadness. This wonderful experience with you has allowed me to love myself, see my beauty within, hear my voice, and feel sexy and confident. It has, in a way, set me free! I feel stronger and braver.

I truly appreciate your passion and compassion and focus. You gave me the best experience and I look forward to hopefully working with you again. I feel that my next boudoir shoot with you will be just as wonderful -- I will be much stronger after this last experience.

I can't wait to see the final photographs and feel the power of my sexiness! Thank you so much for allowing me to experience this!

With great appreciation and love,


Final Album Design

For Barbara’s session she chose to have her final artwork presented on our 10x10 signature boudoir album. As is true with all of our albums, the first page is a half spread which starts on the right. All pages thereafter are 2 page spreads except for the last page which ends on the left as a one page half spread.

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